Monday 8 September 2014

Back from the summer vacation I have been doing guided art tours for a number of times: on campus, in the city center and in Umedalens Sculpture Park. As some of you probably know I love it! On many levels it is the ideal way of introducing students, art lovers, and others to art and art history. But on the Welcome Fair for new students last week, where my department organized a guided tour, a female student of twenty-something looked at me and asked kind of sceptic: "Why should I do that?". Before I could answer her she was gone to some other activity. I guess we all need a reality check occasionally, for — lo and behold — what one takes for granted is not what everybody else might consider fun, important or necessary. I just wish she could have stayed just a few more minutes, so that we could had a longer talk. Most likely it would have been an important lesson for me.